Flotsam & Jetsam
"Set in the 26th century during a bitter endless winter on Earth, Flotsam & Jetsam follows the journey of a robot, abandoned by the civilisation of people it once served, as it adventures through the frozen wastes and eventually an abandoned city in search of sanctuary and to find out if it is truly the last of its kind."
Flotsam & Jetsam was my graduation project from when I was studying at the Bristol school of Animation. Over the 8 months spent on production I made over 20 sets ranging from frozen mountains, to twisting corridors, to a lush garden. Constructing them all on a 8ft x 8ft stage that I built in my rented student bedroom, as due to the pandemic I couldn't make it anywhere else.

The official poster

A teaser trailer for the film, cut from VHS bts footage.

Some images from production

A poster outside the university that was only meant to last a couple of months, it survived for around 2 years.

Fun fact - I chopped the tip of my finger off with a drone a couple of hours before the RTS awards, hence the cartoon bandage on my finger.

On the festival circuit 

Discussing the film in depth with my friend Scott (He makes very cool interviews, check them out) 

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