16mm & Super 8

In the start of 2020 I borrowed a Krasnogorsk-3 16mm camera to shoot a short film with my friends. However later that week the world turned upside down and with no way of retuning the camera for a while I decided to shoot some of the interesting things I saw in that first summer of the pandemic. (2020)

My first adventure into motion picture film, shot on Super 8 in Brixen im Thale, Austria. (2019)

Shooting with a Bolex for the first time and experimenting with attaching modern lenses (The exposure was tricky). My Bristolian circle of friends has lots of Swedish connections, so they celebrate Midsummer each year in a local park. (2023)

The film mentioned above in the caption of "Weird Summer", we were eventually able to make a film with the remainder of the film, due to this lack of stock we simplified the script, and were able to shoot it one afternoon during a rare day out in Portishead after spending the previous year indoors (2021) 

A montage of VHS and 16mm footage I shot whilst studying at the National Film and Television School.  (2023)

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